The aParent IVF Laboratory team has been helping Intended Parents for more than 30 years.

Just like a surgeon won’t find success without an exceptional operating room, so is the case with IVF and the significance of the laboratory: A doctor simply can’t help you succeed with IVF, no matter how qualified they are, without an outstanding lab.  This is where the critical role of aParent IVF Laboratory comes into play.

Our industry-leading laboratory brings you the most advanced technologies in IVF, genetic testing (PGD/PGS), and cryopreservation to ensure the highest chance possible of IVF success. We build close relationships with the most experienced doctors to bring the best clinical care available. Patient communication is key, and we are especially proud that we include you in every step of the process. A strong patient advocate, our Laboratory Director, Colleen Wagner Coughlin, has been recognized in the IVF community for involving the patient throughout the laboratory experience. Our IVF history has resulted in over 30,000 babies and our entire team is passionate about helping you achieve your dreams of a healthy child.

aParent IVF Laboratory Director


Embryology & Andrology

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